Since 1986
Plastics is our name
Oba Plastik Kimya ve Gıda San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. started its operations in Balıkesir, Edremit in 1986 to produce polyethylene, PVC bottle and plastic bottle.
In line with customer demands, it has become essential over time to start producing caps as a complementary product for the bottles it produces.
Aiming to become a solution partner rather than a supplier company, Oba Plastik incorporated Manisa plant in 2009 and Izmir plant in 2013 to boost its production capacity with 3 separate plants.
We Prioritize Research and Development Studies.
We aim to ensure continuing high-quality production with our Re&De studies and trainings.

We continuously improve ourselves.
In Edremit, the center of our company, we produce food packaging as well as cosmetic and cleaning products.
Our Manisa plant offers in-house production to an industry leader oil company, while our Izmir plant mainly supplies packaging for leading companies of the food industry that produce vinegar, lemon juice, turnip juice, oil and fizzy drinks, ayran, fruit juice, pickles, olives and pastes.
Besides these, our company has recently made investments to start producing preform in Edremit head plant and Izmir plant.

In line with customer needs and demands, Oba Plastik has founded an in-house molding room in Edremit plant for electronically designed bottle molds to carry out the entire production process from design to production.
Following the essential inspections, prototype bottles are submitted to the approval of customer in order to start industrial production.
We carry our packaging products by our own vehicle fleet to minimize the damages of environmental factors that are rather influential on plastic products.
Our company has adopted the highest quality control standard for the production process to minimize faults.
We carry our packaging products by our own vehicle fleet to minimize the damages of environmental factors that are rather influential on plastic products.
Our company has adopted the highest quality control standard for the production process to minimize faults.
In this respect, both Re & De studies and quality control trainings of the personnel are carried out in a regular manner.
With these Re &De studies and trainings we aim to ensure continuing quality in production, to establish a fast and effective quality control system with lowest costs, to minimize labor and machine loss times in order to boost production.
We wish to come to the forefront with our innovative packaging production thanks to our innovative identity. The company was granted 2 awards as competency and bronze in AY-YILDIZLARI competition held by Packaging Industrialists’ Association in 2014.
Our 5-liter ECO PLASTIC packaging was granted the bronze award, being the first packaging in the world that can be stored on top of each other. Thanks to this feature, the bottle came out as an alternative to PE cans with a higher unit cost.
The 5-liter bottle with a built-in handle by Oba Plastik was granted the competency award, coming to the forefront as the first of its kind in Turkey. The quality standard of our company is based on the goal to provide our customers with maximum level of service in minimum time owing to the investments we have made with an innovative strategy.
Thanks to our trained personnel, we have minimized potential issues that may arise in the production process by nature. Oba Plastik owns ISO9001 and HCCIP22000 quality certificates.
Getting institutionalized with continuous improvement and development, OBA Plastik continues its services in the industry by offering high quality production and service at all times based on a customer-oriented approach to offer solutions above and beyond customer expectations pursuant to applicable laws and legislation by giving utmost care to personnel quality and occupational health and safety processes.