For the first time in Turkey we can produce 400 cc and 600 cc volume bottles that are suitable for hot filling with single phase blowing method (producing a p ...

Since 1986, OBA Plastik has invested in latest technology machines and equipment and established its specialist team to find a position in packaging industry.
Team Spirit
OBA Plastik Family aims to incorporate great talents and to create a work environment by offering all relevant rights according to international standards based on the rule of non-discrimination, which is the greatest investment it has made on its personnel.
Customer Orientation
We aim to establish a long-term cooperation with our customers by being an experienced solution partner. With a professional commitment on the continuity of our business partnership.

Not Only a Supplier but Also a Solution Partner
Aiming to create a difference with innovative packaging production as well as visuality thanks to our innovative identity, our company frequently comes to the forefront with its award-winner designs.
In line with customer needs and demands, Oba Plastik has founded an in-house molding room in Edremit plant for electronically designed bottle molds to carry out the entire production process from design to production.
As a company OBA Plastik continuously renews itself, develops its technical infrastructure, invests in human resources, enhances the market and gives best efforts to improve its brand reputation.
Our core principle is to serve customers not only as a supplier but also a solution partner and to carry out production responsibly towards the human health, nature, global values and laws.